
Product Range

We believe our products are as good as value for your money and we thus endeavour to fulfil this objective as our primary goal. Our product range can be used in various industries and are thus appreciated by several clients across the world.

Rice Bag Sealing Tape


To ensure protection against pilferage, leakage or duplicity, we are one of the few manufacturers of "the seal of quality
strips"  and is sure shot way of sealing  the  bags that  we make to guard against any of the  shortcomings.  Used as a
mark of  authenticity, we strongly recommend  the use  of  these  not  just for the  protection of bags but also act as a
great marketing tool for promoting your brand.

While stitching it can be used on:

Jute Bags

PP Woven Sacks

Non Woven Bags

BOPP Laminated WPP Bags

