

Vision and Mission

The mission of Bankey Bihari Packaging is to provide packaging products and services in such  a  way  that  our customers will be completely satisfied and consider us to be their preferred supplier.
We strive to be the Best in all that we do.

We Value:                                                                Our Objectives Are:               
*Quality in all that we do and produce                        *
Customer Satisfaction
*Responsive service that delights                               
*Company Profitability and Growth
*Integrity and Fairness in our relationships                 
*Career Rewards, Personal Fulfillment and Respect for our 
*Creativity, Innovation and Flexibility                          *A Reputation for Honesty and Integrity in our Industry and 
                                                                                  our Community
*Efficient and Safe Operational Systems                      
*Sound Business Relationships with our Vendors
*Timely and Accurate Communication                          *Company Independence